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Understanding Winter Ear Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Understanding Winter Ear Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

As the winter months approach, many families begin to prepare for the seasonal changes that come with colder weather. While this time of year often brings festivities and holidays, it also heralds an increase in ear infections, particularly among children. At Peoria Ear Nose &

Eustachian Tube Dilation Specialist in Peoria, IL

Eustachian Tube Dilation Specialist in Peoria, IL

Peoria Ear Nose and Throat specializes in providing top-notch care for various conditions affecting the ear and related structures. Among the multiple issues we treat, eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) is a common concern. We offer treatment for ETD — a condition where the eustachian tube fails to open or close properly,

Better Hearing Month

Better Hearing Month

In 1927, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) designated May as Better Hearing and Speech Month, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of hearing health. Encouraging individuals to reflect on their own hearing and undergo regular hearing assessments is the initial step toward addressing the issue of hearing loss.